inori inori
The Kuni-umi story tells how Izanagi and Izanami were sent down from heaven to create the islands of Japan. The first island they created is said to be my home island of Awaji. Watching the beauty of the sunrise over the sea from Awaji Island, I sense hope.
With COVID-19 raging across the globe, we have to consider how to face up to the pandemic. Our way forward is unclear, and anxiety is spreading. But the overwhelming beauty of the sea and the sun, a universal experience unchanged since ancient times, brought me a strong feeling of hope.
I created inori to ensure that I would never forget that emotion. Embedding my prayers that it would continue for ever.
Material:Canvas,Embroidery thread,Beads
Photo : OMOTE Nobutada (works)
Material:Canvas,Embroidery thread,Beads
Photo : OMOTE Nobutada (works)