Asami Kiyokawa

imma imma



I have “collected” close to 200 people that possess beauty, including actresses and musicians. I have been creating works of art by taking photos with what I imagined the person is like on the inside and embroidering them, and I recently encountered the virtual model imma.
I created these works of art by collaborating with imma, who exists in a virtual space. I “took” photos by giving imma different “themes” and “situations” and having her wear “costumes”. I then added embroidery and other layers on top of the canvas that I usually work with.
I wanted to create art in this way, “collecting” a strange sense of existence produced by this woman who is becoming a charismatic fashion icon herself, while also considering the significance of imma being brought into this world.

imma (monster)/H1706×W1265mm /(2020)

imma (monster)/H1706×W1265mm /(2020)

imma(identity)/H1865×W1345mm /(2020)

imma(identity)/H1865×W1345mm /(2020)

imma(clone)/H1384×W1870mm /(2020)

imma(clone)/H1384×W1870mm /(2020)

solo exhibition「imma」

solo exhibition「imma」

写真 : パクオクスン (works)

Material:Mixed Media
Photo : PAK OK SUN(works)