Asami Kiyokawa

TokyoMonster(2020-) TokyoMonster(2020-)


日本の90年代のファッション誌で紹介された奇抜な格好をした東京・原宿の若者たち。その心のなかに潜む願望や虚栄心の表れを「モンスター」になぞらえて表現した「Tokyo Monster シリーズ」。
Tokyo Monster(2020-)では、2020年以降の誌面やSNSからピックアップしたストリートスナップ、そして自分で撮影した写真を元にして、モチーフのイメージを変容させ、糸の色をネガポジ反転するなど、画面に視覚的な効果を取り入れて構成する。

The Tokyo Monster series likens as ‘monsters’ the appearance of ambition and vanity lurking in the hearts of the young people in exotic outfits in Harajuku, Tokyo, as presented in Japanese fashion magazines in the 1990s.
This suggests that anyone can be turned into a ‘monster’ by making them completely unrecognizable, by exaggerating the subject or the clothing with embroidery on the photo or by covering the face or body parts, and in doing so turning them into an object of art or a decorative object.
Tokyo Monster (2020-) is based on street snapshots from magazines and social media and photos that I took myself since 2020. The subject has been transformed, with visual effects, such as inverting thread colors to produce color-negatives, incorporated into the picture.
In 2020, the entire world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the values of people and society changed. This series is a creative expression of the individual life stories of young people as they attempt to find new identities by tapping into the power of fashion, despite the unseen feelings of uncertainty that they carry with them.

Protection /H1840 × W1338mm /2021

Protection /H1840 × W1338mm /2021

We get each other/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

We get each other/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

Our world/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

Our world/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

I am a monster/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

I am a monster/1807 × 1317 × 54mm(Framed)/2021

I am listening/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

I am listening/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Can you see me?/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Can you see me?/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

I am on fire/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

I am on fire/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Use me/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Use me/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

We are free/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

We are free/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Look at us/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

Look at us/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

We are framed/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

We are framed/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

I am a generous/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

I am a generous/1497 × 1097 × 51mm(Framed)/2021

My time/901 × 659 × 46mm(Framed)/2021

My time/901 × 659 × 46mm(Framed)/2021

I am still in shadow/901 × 659 × 46mm(Framed)/2021

I am still in shadow/901 × 659 × 46mm(Framed)/2021

Protection /H1840 × W1338mm /(2021)
写真 : KEI OKANO (works)

Protection /H1840 × W1338mm /(2021)
Material:Mixed Media
Photo : KEI OKANO (works)