個展「Incarnation」 Solo Exhibition “Incarnation”
会場となるのは、アジアの現代アートを牽引するギャラリーの一つであるARARIOギャラリー上海。メインを飾るのは、最新作「Mythology」シリーズからの4作品(「Ushi to Hebi (bull and snake)」「Konton (chaos)」「Kigen (origin)」「Bishin (graces)」)だ。他に、90年代の原宿のストリートスナップをモチーフにした作品「TOKYOモンスター」、アーティストが思い入れのある本に刺繍を施した「わたしたちのおはなし」シリーズの展示に加え、女性の人生をテーマにした代表作「Complex」「mutant」「LIFE」シリーズの未発表作品を発表します。
He will hold his first solo exhibition "Incarnation" in Shanghai.
The venue will be ARARIO Gallery Shanghai, one of the leading galleries of contemporary art in Asia. The main decorations are four works from the latest "Mythology" series ("Ushi to Hebi (bull and snake)", "Konton (chaos)", "Kigen (origin)", and "Bishin (graces)"). In addition to the exhibition of "TOKYO Monster", a work with the motif of street snaps in Harajuku in the 90's, and the "Our Story" series, in which the artist embroidered a book that the artist loved, the theme was the life of a woman. We will announce unpublished works of the masterpieces "Complex", "mutant" and "LIFE" series.
Please pay attention to the new world that Kiyokawa fascinates in Shanghai, a city where contemporary art from all over the world is gathering and booming.

SHARJAPAN : The Poetics of Space
会場:アラリオギャラリー上海(上海市龍騰大道2879 1F)
SHARJAPAN : The Poetics of Space
Dates:May 18th (Sat) to July 14th, 2019
Venue:ARARIO GALLERY SHANGHAI (中国 天平路320弄衡山坊内)